Author of Control + Alt + Delete LEADERSHIP

"Soft-boot" your personal operating system and enhance your leadership success!

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Control + Alt + Delete LEADERSHIP is written for aspiring and advancing professionals looking for a simplistic model to follow for leadership development - supported with real world strategies, fun anecdotes and inspiring stories of business success.  It's a simple read that will allow you to take from it valuable nuggets that you can put into application immediately. 

"This straightforward, readable book is loaded with insights and inspiration. We're all students of successful leadership, and Ralph's book is a fun guide for business and personal success." Bruce Morrow, CEO M2 Creative and Author of "The Outcome Model"

"A fabulous read filled with street-worthy advice not only for business, but also for life." Tom Hille, Vice President & Senior Investment Advisor, Robert W. Baird & Co.

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